Hop research has within Czech hop cultivation a long tradition and important position. The beginning of its activity can be shown since 1925, it is the time when hop station was established.

In 1950 Hop Research Institute was put into operation. The main objective of it is not only hop breeding but hop protection against pests and diseases as well.

Within hop cultivation technologies Hop Research Institute solved the problematic of reconstruction to wide-spacing planting of hop stock, progressive methods in hop cultivation, development in mechanisation, hops harvesting and processing. A great deal of attention was devoted to hop breeding of Saaz semi-early red bine hops.

Breeding work is contemporary aimed at breeding of new varieties. We are trying to get new hybrid aroma and bitter hops which could be utilised in brewing industry.


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 Š 1992-2011 Chmelařský institut s.r.o., Žatec, Kadaňská 2525, 438 46 Žatec, Czech Republic, tel.: +420 415 732 111, fax: +420 415 732 150

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